NĪNSHAR ARTS is a collective and platform based in Philadelphia PA and dedicated to the experimental writing and visual art of the dispossessed, disempowered, disnomered, disidentified, diseducated, disincluded. We accept submissions at any time from any and all such communities, especially those originating in parts of the Earth that are now or ever colonized and neocolonized and razed by capitalist imperialism. We consider poetry or prose, fiction or creative nonfiction, paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, musings, hallucinations, fantasies, determinations and peregrinations so long as they depart formal structures and do not recognize parameters. Send work to:
Verses: 3 maximum (Please include city, year of composition)
Prose: 2000 words maximum (Please include city, year of composition)
Visual: 5 pieces maximum (Please include title, media, dimensions, year of composition)
Front page artwork by Bessam Idani
Background artwork by Leslie Sakura