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When all things faced their back at me
And sorrow created in me a sea,
I have someone who comes to me
To tell me there's more to what I see.
When I jumped the hurdles of life
I fell flat on the floor of my flaw,
A menacing moans mounted my mouth
To gives ear to me, same one I saw.
When disappointment deigned my door
And forced frustration on my heart
Like waterfall from a hill,
I have someone who comes to me
She's always there, my Mother is all I see!



Lagos, 2021







She went home and told her man,
That of all her life as a woman
She had known no man like me
But… She went home.
She said my heart was smoothie pure.
The words I spoke were but a cure,
That cure her issues without a fee,
But… She went home.
My praises dawned on her lips,
Each time I dished for her some tips,
That set her gauche lifestyle free




Lagos, 2021



Josh Pampam is a poet, saxophonist and hairstylist from Lagos, Nigeria. He is an aspiring university student and graduate of St. Michael High School. His work has been published in various magazines both home and abroad. 



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